Blog Archives

Birthdays, Sunshine and Flowers

Although I do not really have much to say to-day, I wanted to show you some wonderful pictures from a recent trip to the Sunshine Coast here in B.C only a short ferry ride away. The weather was perfect, the company grand and I spent a lovely day in Gibsons B.C on my birthday puttering around funky little shops and admiring the boats in the harbour. The sky was blue and life was good!

A big thank you to all those who sent birthday wishes, I really loved them 🙂 Last but not least I wanted to share with you two presents that I received and have amalgamated. The lovely green teapot was a great thrift shop find by my dear friend Sue, she knows how much I love this colour, and the flowers came from my boss at work…don’t they look great together ?

I hope you are having a lovely summer whatever the weather and keep on being creative! Yes I am knitting when time allows…only it is a surprise so I cannot share it just yet.


Fibre Art, Eco Printing, Natural Dyeing, Book Arts

The Procrastinator Dyer's Diary

A Journal of Observations


Adventures with Felting, Dyeing, Knitting and other stuff

The Creative's Tribulations

From the perspective of a frustrated creative.

Adventures with Felting, Dyeing, Knitting and other stuff

KDD & Co

Award-winning Scottish publishing and design

lil fish studios

Adventures with Felting, Dyeing, Knitting and other stuff


Adventures with Felting, Dyeing, Knitting and other stuff


Uniting the world wide felt community

Felting and Fiber Studio

An International Collective of Felt and Fiber Artists


Just another site


Fibre Art, Eco Printing, Natural Dyeing, Book Arts

The Procrastinator Dyer's Diary

A Journal of Observations


Adventures with Felting, Dyeing, Knitting and other stuff

The Creative's Tribulations

From the perspective of a frustrated creative.

Adventures with Felting, Dyeing, Knitting and other stuff

KDD & Co

Award-winning Scottish publishing and design

lil fish studios

Adventures with Felting, Dyeing, Knitting and other stuff


Adventures with Felting, Dyeing, Knitting and other stuff


Uniting the world wide felt community

Felting and Fiber Studio

An International Collective of Felt and Fiber Artists


Just another site