About Me

Some people have asked me why I call myself woolbrain and that it is not a very nice term! So I will tell you how it came about… Well, for me I thought about wool and yarn a lot, initially I thought of wool- on -the- brain but that was way to long. I did know about the term woolbrain….foggy brained and to be perfectly honest I do feel like that sometimes so it seemed like a good fit. I hope this clears things up for all of you:)

I am a wife, mother and artisan living in Canada on the lovely West Coast of British Columbia. Inspired by my surroundings of nature, the ocean and our garden. I am crazy about knitting, felting, sewing and embroidery.

I am an advocate of recycling. Thrift store hunting is a favourite past time especially for wool articles which I can felt and use to create other items.

Embroidery has been a part of my life since my early days. I enjoyed looking at old embroidered pillowcases, crewel work and tablecloths. My first introduction to a person who made a living from creating embroideries was Judith Baker Montano whom I met at a local Quilters Guild meeting. I was hopeless at quilting but loved the silk ribbon work.

Knitting craziness started about twenty years ago when my children were small. We used to meet up with a group of Mum’s and children and help each other to knit. Although I taught myself to knit when I was a child I have only recently improved my skills in an effort to improve my brain!

  1. I do love your blog and was noticing your Earth Day quilt.where did you find such large stamps? I’d love to do some of that for an Alabama Chanin thing, but I’m stalled on the paint/stencil thing.

    • Hi Louise
      Thank you for your kind comment about my blog. The stencil blocks that I used in my earth day quilt are actually called rubbing plates. They come from a company called Cedar Canyon and I purchased them on line. I found that some of the plates worked better than others and I kept my paint consistency fairly thick. If I can help any more please let me know I will happily share all that I can 🙂 Good Luck

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Adventures with Felting, Dyeing, Knitting and other stuff

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Adventures with Felting, Dyeing, Knitting and other stuff

KDD & Co

Award-winning Scottish publishing and design

lil fish studios

Adventures with Felting, Dyeing, Knitting and other stuff


Adventures with Felting, Dyeing, Knitting and other stuff


Uniting the world wide felt community

Felting and Fiber Studio

An International Collective of Felt and Fiber Artists


Just another WordPress.com site


Fibre Art, Eco Printing, Natural Dyeing, Book Arts

The Procrastinator Dyer's Diary

A Journal of Observations


Adventures with Felting, Dyeing, Knitting and other stuff

The Creative's Tribulations

From the perspective of a frustrated creative.

Adventures with Felting, Dyeing, Knitting and other stuff

KDD & Co

Award-winning Scottish publishing and design

lil fish studios

Adventures with Felting, Dyeing, Knitting and other stuff


Adventures with Felting, Dyeing, Knitting and other stuff


Uniting the world wide felt community

Felting and Fiber Studio

An International Collective of Felt and Fiber Artists


Just another WordPress.com site